For those who cannot make it into the office for in-person sessions, or for those who want to begin an individualized nutritional supplement program but are unsure of where to start, Dr. Amanda offers Telehealth services.
For those who cannot make it into the office for in-person sessions, or for those who want to begin an individualized nutritional supplement program but are unsure of where to start, Dr. Amanda offers Telehealth services.
The patient is sent our Systems Survey health assessment questionnaire to fill out and send back to Dr. Amanda. A virtual Telehealth appointment will be set up to discuss further as necessary the patient's health status. After this appointment, Dr. Amanda will then combine the oral history along with clinical knowledge, and evaluation of the Sytems Survey questionnaire to develop an individualized nutritional, herbal, and/or homeopathic supplement regimen.
At Synergy Chiropractic, we utilize and recommend only the highest quality, pharmaceutical-grade, safe and effective supplements. These are mostly from health-care-professional-only supplement lines.One of these companies is Standard Process, Inc. Patients are now able to set up a Patient Direct online ordering portal to have any supplements which are recommended then ordered and shipped to them directly from the company. For other supplement brands that are recommended, we can package them up and ship them to the patient from our office.
After a specified amount of time on the supplement procotol, a follow-up appointment will be made at which time a re-assessment will be performed, and next steps discussed.If you are interested in this service, please send us a request via the Appointment Request tab on the homepage of the website and specify that you would like to schedule for this service.